College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China (May 2018- May 2021)
Sole Instructor for Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan (Jan 2018- May 2018)
Sole Instructor for Software Project Management
City University of Hong Kong (Aug 2014- Aug 2017)
Teaching Assistant for Object Oriented Programming
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia (Oct 2011- Nov 2013)
Teaching Assistant for System Analysis and Design
Sole Instructor for Software Engineering
- Conduct lectures and prepare teaching material for 4 hours’ weekly lectures
- Designed course project for developing a software system
- Re-designed the course syllabus and prepare the teaching material for 4 hours’ weekly lectures
- Designed course project for deploying CMMI practices
Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan (Jan 2018- May 2018)
Sole Instructor for Software Project Management
- Designed the course syllabus and prepare the teaching material for 6 hours’ weekly lectures (3 different batches)
- Proposed the course first time in the department
- Designed the course syllabus and prepare the teaching material for 2 hours’ weekly lectures
City University of Hong Kong (Aug 2014- Aug 2017)
Teaching Assistant for Object Oriented Programming
- Conducted 2 hours’ weekly lab sessions
- Graded weekly lab work
- Graded students case study reports
- Supervised and graded students report presentations
- Graded weekly lab work
- Graded weekly lab work
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia (Oct 2011- Nov 2013)
Teaching Assistant for System Analysis and Design
- Conducted 2 hours’ weekly lab sessions
- Graded weekly lab work
- Graded students’ semester project presentation
- Conducted weekly 2 hours’ lab sessions
- Graded weekly lab work
- Graded students’ semester project presentation
- Graded students’ final year projects report